Tag: Africa

Infomercial: A natural fertiliser made from horns

AgribusinessTV July 19, 2024 1062 No Comments


“FERTI Sahel” is an organic fertiliser specially designed to optimise soil fertility and boost crop yields. Made from a mixture of bones, horns and organic matter, this fertiliser provides the soil with essential nutrients for plants to flourish. Produced by “KAALA” company, “FERTI Sahel&#

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Green Thumb : At Marie-Jeanne’s place

AgribusinessTV June 7, 2024 1196 No Comments


After a bad experience with salad bought at a market, Marie-Jeanne ZOUNGRANA decided to take thing in hand. So, driven by the desire to eat better and stay healthy, she started gardening at home. Her vegetable garden, which has become her haven of peace, receives the greatest attention from this woman with green thumb.

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Green Thumb: At Karim’s place

AgribusinessTV April 26, 2024 1329 No Comments


Karim YABRÉ loves plants. He loves them so much that, despite the limited space in his home, he has managed to create a space entirely dedicated to his plants. His fragile state of health meant that he had to spend long periods in hospital. But now that his vegetable garden has been extended, he canRead More

Rural Life in Komsilga

AgribusinessTV April 19, 2024 1358 No Comments


Today’s excursion takes us to the rural commune of Komsilga. Comprising 36 villages, Komsilga is located around 25 kilometres south of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. With its strong agricultural potential, this commune attracts a large number of gardeners, both young and old, who are passionate about farming. In Ko

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Green Thumb: At Sandrine’s place

AgribusinessTV April 12, 2024 1428 No Comments


Sandrine KONSIMBO’s passion for plants was passed on to her by her parents from an early age. Her role was to water the plants. Even if there was a water shortage, she had to find a way of watering them. Today, Sandrine KONSIMBO has a beautiful garden at home, which she tends with care andRead More

Rural Life in Ziniare

AgribusinessTV April 5, 2024 1407 No Comments


The beautiful commune of Ziniaré welcomes us to this episode of Rural Life. Located around 35 km from Ouagadougou, in the province of Oubritenga in Burkina Faso, Ziniaré stands out for its cultural diversity, history and customs. It is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations. In this issue, we

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Green Thumb: At Luc’s place

AgribusinessTV March 22, 2024 1507 No Comments


In this episode of Green Thumb, we meet a man who loves citronella. Luc ZOUNGRANA has turned his passion for plants into a profession. Gardening, which he practises with love. His relationship with plants goes back to his childhood, when he learned the trade from his parents. There are a number of reasons why he Read More

Burkina Faso: The strength to bounce back

AgribusinessTV March 19, 2024 1582 No Comments


Formerly a project coordinator in an NGO, Yvette OUÉDRAOGO’s adventure in Lebanon turned into a nightmare. Her life has not been easy. However, she was able to learn from her many misadventures. Returning home after three years in exile, she launched her own agri-food business, Ligne de Vie. The company speciali

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Rural Life: Poa, the chicken capital

AgribusinessTV March 1, 2024 1336 No Comments


Your programme, Vie Rurale, is back on Agribusiness TV. In this episode we go to Poa. Poa is located 70 km from Ouagadougou, in the province of Boulikiemdé, in the Centre-West region. It is reputed to be the poultry farming area by excellence in Burkina Faso. In this episode, we find out how poultry farmingRead More

Burkina Faso: A determined rabbit farmer

AgribusinessTV January 19, 2024 1604 No Comments


Harouna COMPAORÉ ventured into rabbit farming in 2016. At that time, there were not many breeders specialised in this type of farming, and he learned as he went along. Over time, he encountered several occasions where he lost almost all of his rabbits. However, he remained determined and never hesitated to start again

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