Siata TRAORÉ heads the “Lagm-taaba” cooperative, which has over a hundred members. For more than seven years, this cooperative has been processing ginger into juice, powder, pastilles, etc. Siata TRAORÉ’s beginnings were marked by many chal
After the death of his parents, Joseph OUÉDRAOGO was forced to leave school, as he had no one to take care of him. He turned to livestock farming, a skill passed down from his father. Joseph OUÉDRAOGO began his entrepreneurial adventure with two sheep. One t
With a degree in Transport and Logistics, François OUÉDRAOGO didn’t see himself in the world of employment. He wanted getting into entrepreneurship, because his motivation was to create jobs and contribute to the development of his country. So Françoi
Due to the lack of cold chains, Senegalese artisanal fishers and fishmongers face enormous difficulties in preserving fish. As a result, fish products deteriorate rapidly, limiting their shelf life and market value. While we no longer need to prove the usefuln
Amidou NIKIEMA is proud to be a vegetable gardener. Although he didn’t have the chance to go to school during his childhood, that hasn’t stopped him from finding fulfilment. A fervent fan of ecological agriculture, Amidou NIKIEMA uses environmental
From 2 to 13 December 2024, the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP 16) organised by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Meetings, panels, presentations of projects and innovations were just some of the act
Despite her degree in Financial and Accounting Techniques, Aminata DICKO/KONATÉ found her true calling in the restaurant business. In 2019, her passion for cooking led her to open a small restaurant, which was unfortunately destroyed by fire a week after it o
Oradara is a town in the province of Kénédougou, in the Hauts-Bassins region of western Burkina Faso. Nicknamed “The City of Orchards”, Orodara is renowned for the diversity and abundance of its food crops. This excursion to the town of Orodara i
The Accelerating innovation dynamics in agriculture by strengthening innovation support services (AcceSS) project organised a seminar on open and responsible innovation in the agricultural sector. The seminar was held from 20 to 22 November 2024 at the Thomas
Maïmouna SAWADOGO interrupted her studies at secondary school. After that, she embarked on a number of activities, including aesthetics, hairdressing and decoration. However, these activities did not allow her to provide for her family. So, Maïmouna SAWADOGO
After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree, Ismaëlda OUATTARA completed several internships, and even landed some contracts. However, her adventure in the world of employment was short-lived. Faced with this situation, she decided to become an entrepreneur.
“Tiligre Agro SARL” is a company operating in the agricultural and livestock sectors. It offers several types of services and solutions to agricultural producers. “Tiligre Agro SARL” markets circular metal basins. Unlike concrete basins
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