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Burkina Faso: She talks about her plans for maize flour

Valérie LOROGO/BAZEMO’s start in the entrepreneurial world was not an easy one. In the face of difficulties, she drew her strength and motivation from the support of her husband and family, but also from the positive feedback she received from her custo

publish July 23, 2024 1060
Infomercial: A natural fertiliser made from horns

“FERTI Sahel” is an organic fertiliser specially designed to optimise soil fertility and boost crop yields. Made from a mixture of bones, horns and organic matter, this fertiliser provides the soil with essential nutrients for plants to flourish. P

publish July 19, 2024 1062
Burkina Faso: A winning mentality

Abdoulaye ILBOUDO’s adventure in fish farming began after a number of misadventures with poor quality fish bought at a local market. Determined to put an end to this situation and to fight against poor quality imported fish, he decided to get training in

publish July 16, 2024 1075
Burkina Faso: A vegetarian restaurant

Having a good health also depends on what we eat. Eating healthily is a sure way of ensuring the well-being of the human body. Bintou TRAORÉ understands this and has made healthy eating her hobbyhorse. So she created “K.salad”, a vegetarian restau

publish July 9, 2024 1119
Rural Life in Réo

Our compass took us to Réo, a town located 115 km from Ouagadougou, for this new episode of Rural Life. The capital of the Sanguié province, Réo is a charming town famous for its pork, which according to enthusiasts is exquisite. Through this excursion to R

publish July 5, 2024 1108
Burkina Faso: The entrepreneurial spirit handed down from mother to daughter

Balguissa KIENDREBÉOGO’s passion for entrepreneurship began when she was a child, inspired by her mother, who was herself a producer of natural fruit juices. Guided by this dream, Balguissa KIENDREBÉOGO decided, after obtaining her bachelor’s deg

publish July 2, 2024 1160
Burkina Faso: Saving local products from post-harvest losses

Boureima TERI is a fervent defender of local products. His greatest pride is the ability he and his peers have to process products from local agriculture. His company, “Terizo Agro”, specialises in processing and marketing local products such as fr

publish June 25, 2024 1184
Burkina Faso: Financial self-sufficiency thanks to rabbits

It is with full of hope that Omar LINGANI, after obtaining his Bachelor’s degree enrolled at the university. However, doubts about his future arose when he noticed the impressive number of students. He then had the idea of starting a poultry farming busi

publish June 18, 2024 1159
Heat, a redoubtable enemy for poultry farmers

In Burkina Faso, poultry farmers dread the hot weather, because it is particularly hard for their animals. During this period, they face a number of difficulties, such as a drop in egg production, an increase in the mortality rate and a weakening of the hens&#

publish June 14, 2024 1208
Burkina Faso: A defender of local products

With her degree in agri-food processing in hand, Monique YARA decided to set up her own business, “Gilmoni”. The company specialises in the processing and marketing of pre-cooked and non-pre-cooked fonio, maize flour, groundnut paste, spices, attiÃ

publish June 11, 2024 1262
Green Thumb : At Marie-Jeanne’s place

After a bad experience with salad bought at a market, Marie-Jeanne ZOUNGRANA decided to take thing in hand. So, driven by the desire to eat better and stay healthy, she started gardening at home. Her vegetable garden, which has become her haven of peace, recei

publish June 7, 2024 1196
Burkina Faso: The rage of entrepreneurship

Student and entrepreneur Nouriatou COULIBALY has managed to reconcile her studies with her passion for pastry-making. Self-taught, she learnt her trade on the internet, particularly YouTube and TikTok, with the help of tutorials. Despite a difficult start in 2

publish June 4, 2024 1251

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