Burkina Faso: She breeds earthworms

June 23, 2023 1650 61 No Comments


Vermiculture is the breeding of earthworms to transform organic matter into a fertiliser known as “vermicompost”.

In the Commune of Ziniaré in Burkina Faso, Catherine COMPAORÉ practises vermiculture. Thanks to the solid and liquid vermicompost that she produces, she enriches her garden to improve production. Inspired by the progress she has made, other farmers want to follow her example.

“After seeing the benefits of vermiculture, I’ve decided to adopt the practice. I’d like his help in setting up a vermicomposter,” says Jean LENGLENGUE, a farmer.

AgribusinessTV #BurkinaFaso #Vermiculture #Gardening #VermiCompost

Burkina Faso

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