Tag: environment

Green Thumb: At Luc’s place

AgribusinessTV March 22, 2024 1507 No Comments


In this episode of Green Thumb, we meet a man who loves citronella. Luc ZOUNGRANA has turned his passion for plants into a profession. Gardening, which he practises with love. His relationship with plants goes back to his childhood, when he learned the trade from his parents. There are a number of reasons why he Read More

Burkina Faso: She breeds earthworms

AgribusinessTV June 23, 2023 1650 No Comments


Vermiculture is the breeding of earthworms to transform organic matter into a fertiliser known as “vermicompost”. In the Commune of Ziniaré in Burkina Faso, Catherine COMPAORÉ practises vermiculture. Thanks to the solid and liquid vermicompost that she produces, she enriches her garden to improve producti

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Burkina Faso: Biodigester effluent, a little-known treasure for producers

AgribusinessTV April 21, 2023 1094 No Comments


After being trained on the manufacture of agricultural inputs, Aminata OUÉDRAOGO decided to start her business. She accompanies rural communities in the installation and maintenance of biodigesters for the production of organic fertilisers and biological gas. Today, Aminata makes a living from her work and the produce

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Burkina Faso: A green oasis in the city

AgribusinessTV October 11, 2022 5953 No Comments


In Loumbila, in Burkina Faso, Boureima SALOUKA transformed an empty space into a green area called “Kua sur Loumbila”. “Absolutely nothing was growing here. To go from a completely lunar land to something alive with birds singing, with so much greenery, means that it’s possible to do something,&

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Benin: Organic fertilizers to boost production

AgribusinessTV July 13, 2022 1331 No Comments


In order to prove that organic agriculture is productive and ia able to feed us in a healthy way, Bienvenu ADJE started the production of organic fertilizers through his company “ABC Grower”. These fertilizers are produced from the leaves of invasive plants. They contain mineral elements in different quanti

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Benin: Ecological charcoal to preserve forests

AgribusinessTV June 28, 2022 2527 No Comments


Household needs, especially for cooking, lead families in Benin to use wood cut from the forest. This action contributes to deforestation and has a negative impact on the environment. To counter this human action, Roland ADJOVI got the idea of transforming dead leaves from trees, along with other elements such as agric

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Climate change and indigenous knowledge: An unknown asset

AgribusinessTV December 11, 2018 4190 No Comments


After completing koranic school in Mali, Yacouba Sawadogo came back to his village in Burkina Faso and started trading. While he prospered in this business, he also noticed that the land was degraded where he lived, and people were moving to other regions as nothing was growing there anymore. Yacouba began to experimen

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Burkina Faso: Her fight against plastic bags

AgribusinessTV July 10, 2018 3769 No Comments


In Burkina Faso, Aïcha Traoré wants to replace plastic bags with paper bags. Aïcha saw how the use of plastic bags was becoming harmful to the environment. And she wanted to do something about it. Without any training, she learnt by herself to make paper bags. Today she has a business that works. “In 2017, Read More