Benin: Edible snails, a booming business

November 22, 2022 3009 112 No Comments


In Benin, several youths are involved in the production and processing of snails. This sector is profitable because the by-products of the snail such as the meat, slime, shell and viscera are sold.

Roukayath LAURIANO, a dressmaker in the commune of Abonmey-Calavi, is a snail farmer. Her production, destined for consumption, is bought by restaurants and other customers.

In Sèmè-Kpodji, in the city of Cotonou, Raïssa PADONOU raises snails for their slime, which is used in cosmetics.

In the political capital of the country, Porto-Novo, Yanice LAURIANO, a law student, has focused on snail processing. Through his company “Les Escargots de Yan”, he offers snail-based dishes.


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