An accountant mutating into a farmer

May 12, 2016 3133 118 No Comments


Alain AYENA is an accountant since 2001 in a big company in Benin. In 2014, he decides to leave all and venture into agriculture.

“About 10 years ago, I noticed that some lorries were leaving the north of Benin with cargos of tomatoes, chillies, and other vegetables. I have asked some people to know whether all these products are cultivated in the north of Benin. They told me no, that it came from Burkina Faso. So, I said to myself that this is serious. If our country, Benin, that has rainfall from north to south, and from east to west, and that we buy products from Burkina Faso, it means that there is a problem. We have to think differently. It is not by working as an accountant in a company that I will make myself useful to my country. I want to produce!”


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