How will the future of agriculture look like in Cote d’ivoire?
Watch this 12-minute report of FRANCE 24 – an investigation with Daniel Oulaï, Jean-Delmas Ehui from ICT4DEV, Cléophas Mosala from Agribusiness TV, and Julien Appia.
How to create an enabling environment for strawberry production in a country like Burkina Faso, where the climate is not favourable? In this video, Abdoul Razack BELEMGNEGRÉ, shares some tips!
Like other cultures, the strawberry is also attacked by pests and diseases in the field. Abdoul Razack BELEMGNEGRÉ, a strawberry producer in Burkina Faso, shares some tips for controlling strawberry pests.
Traditional small-scale poultry production systems in rural areas continue to play an important role in the development of the sector. This activity generates income, enabling producers to provide for their families. In this first episode of our series on tips