Tag: Togo

Togo: Drip irrigation to gain more

AgribusinessTV March 19, 2019 5039 No Comments


In Kovié, in the south of Togo, the introduction of a drip irrigation system is changing the life of women vegetable growers. Access to water was a big challenge for the women. They had to walk several kilometres to get water and carry the bucket on their head. And the fact that it was a Read More

Togo Timati, the natural tomato puree

AgribusinessTV August 6, 2017 2370 4 Comments


Ismael TANKO holds a Master’s degree in entrepreneurship. He ventured into natural tomato puree production, aiming to conquer the Togolese market. While doing some research on the Internet, Ismael came across a website, whereby it was explained how tomato was conserved in the form of tomato puree in Burkina Faso. Thi

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Revealing the virtues of soybean

AgribusinessTV January 17, 2017 3487 No Comments


Ayawo Yassé DJOSSOU is an agro pastoral technician. He transforms soybean into several products to valorise its virtues. During his studies, Ayawo was fascinated by the virtues of soybean. His curiosity pushed him to learn more about this legume and he started his business in it. Today his enterprise is processing soy

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An inventor at the service of the agri-food sector

AgribusinessTV August 17, 2016 3200 No Comments


Edouard AKAKPO-LADO is an electro-mechanical engineer from Togo. He invents machines for agricultural transformation. From a very young age, Edouard liked to create. He used to make small objects such as plastic aeroplanes with materials he bought from his savings. After secondary school, he joined the University to st

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Organic chocolate for the local market

AgribusinessTV July 8, 2016 2657 No Comments


Natalie KPANTE is a graduate in sociology. In 2013, she created with five other young people, CHOCO TOGO, a cooperative that produces and markets organic chocolate. The story started when Natalie and her colleagues attended a training on agricultural entrepreneurship in the framework of a project called “Fair Young S

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