Tag: poultry farming

Burkina Faso: Financial self-sufficiency thanks to rabbits

AgribusinessTV June 18, 2024 1157 No Comments


It is with full of hope that Omar LINGANI, after obtaining his Bachelor’s degree enrolled at the university. However, doubts about his future arose when he noticed the impressive number of students. He then had the idea of starting a poultry farming business. His company, “Lingani’s Elevage”, sp

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Heat, a redoubtable enemy for poultry farmers

AgribusinessTV June 14, 2024 1205 No Comments


In Burkina Faso, poultry farmers dread the hot weather, because it is particularly hard for their animals. During this period, they face a number of difficulties, such as a drop in egg production, an increase in the mortality rate and a weakening of the hens’ immune systems. In addition to the heatwave, these bre

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Burkina Faso: The trials of a poultry farmer

AgribusinessTV March 5, 2024 1592 No Comments


Bazilou BAGUIRA wears three hats: teacher, school headmaster and poultry farmer. His beginnings in the poultry world were not easy. A fighter at heart, he never gave up despite the taunts and the many difficulties he encountered along the way. With the help of his colleagues, he runs the Canaland farm with the same phi

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Burkina Faso: He succeeds through poultry farming

AgribusinessTV January 16, 2024 668 No Comments


Blaise ZONGO left his job to venture into poultry production. To establish a marketing channel for the chickens he produces, he initiated a grill house with a specialty in garlic-grilled chicken. Presently, his grilled chicken is highly acclaimed by customers, and he is pleased with the progress achieved. He shared his

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Burkina Faso: A couple involved in poultry farming

AgribusinessTV September 19, 2023 1567 No Comments


Nadjati OUÉDRAOGO and Lassanè SIMPORÉ are passionate about poultry farming, a passion that began at secondary school. Together, they run the Faso Cocorico poultry farm, which specialises in breeding improved local chickens, guinea fowl and turkeys. Thanks to training in poultry farming, they have acquired the necess

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Burkina Faso: A young and daring fish farmer

AgribusinessTV August 29, 2023 1573 No Comments


After obtaining his BEPC (first secondary school diploma), François Yaam d’Assisse ILBOUDO set out to become an entrepreneur. Although his parents did not support him in this venture, as they wanted him to continue his studies, he went ahead and founded “Firme Yaam d’Assise”. This company speci

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Burkina Faso: From teaching to poultry farming

AgribusinessTV May 10, 2023 1703 No Comments


Honoré OUANGO took a leave from his job in the civil service to start a poultry farming and catering business. Despite the uncertainties and discouragements of his colleagues, he decided to make his dream come true. Today, he has several poultry farms and barbecue sites that employ young people. His activities have en

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Burkina Faso: A carpenter specialised in poultry cages

AgribusinessTV February 7, 2023 2301 No Comments


After primary school, Hugues MINOUNGOU went to pursue professional training in carpentry. Following his eight-year apprenticeship, he started his own business by manufacturing furniture like others were doing. But the sales were low and he struggled to make a living. Through some online research, he discovered that in

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Burkina Faso: Poultry farming without chemicals

AgribusinessTV January 18, 2023 1905 No Comments


Roland BOUDA learned breeding with his grandmother during holidays. Subsequently, he trained himself and followed online and face-to-face trainings. After the training, Roland went into poultry production. He thus created “Champion Agrobusiness” in Burkina Faso, with university aid granted by the National F

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Burkina Faso: A champion of smoked chicken

AgribusinessTV December 14, 2022 1764 No Comments


After obtaining his baccalaureate in 2018, in Burkina Faso, Modibo Ben Idriss SOW began his studies in Law. While at University, he decided to venture into entrepreneurship and start poultry breeding. With the financial support received from his relatives, in addition to university aid, Modibo launched “Volaille

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