Tag: Guinea

Guinea: A passion for poultry farming

AgribusinessTV May 29, 2018 1906 No Comments


Boubacar Dansoko is a graduate in business economics. Since 2012, he co-manages ENTRAEL, a farming company founded by his father. His father being the director of a state farm, Boubacar grew up around agriculture. And after his studies, he followed the steps of his father and joined the family business which comprises

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Guinea: Coffee of Fouta Djallon

AgribusinessTV April 3, 2018 4774 No Comments


After University, some youths took over an abandoned coffee plantation. Mamadou Bhoye BAH was still at University when this idea came to him. Along with his friends, they created a cooperative, and ventured into potato production. Later, they grew cowpea, maize, and then they started with coffee. Coffee was an interest

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Guinea: The big dreams of Boubacar

AgribusinessTV December 12, 2017 4355 No Comments


Boubacar Aliou DIALLO, is a graduate in telecommunications. He created “Safiagribusiness”, a company involved in crop and livestock production. After his graduation, Boubacar was right away confronted by unemployment. He wanted to start a business, but he was not sure in which field to venture. Looking around him,

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Banker and poultry farmer

AgribusinessTV June 20, 2017 3657 1 Comment


Mouctar DIALLO has a Masters in audit and finance. For one year, he is managing a poultry farm of 3,500 chickens in Conakry. Poultry farming is not new to Mouctar. His mother was into this activity, but she later stopped when Mouctar went to Morocco for his studies. On his return, he decided to takeRead More