Revealed to the public through a video of Agribusiness TV, Basile Nikiema SAWADOGO received a visit from the regional directorate of Agriculture, Hydro-agricultural Development and Mechanisation of the Centre North region. The delegation came to encourage him and gave him working materials, agricultural inputs and a letter of congratulations from the ministry in charge of agriculture.
It was on 23rd February 2021 in Zorkoum, a village about 6 kilometres from the town of Kaya.
It was around 10 a.m. that the delegation of the regional directorate in charge of Agriculture of the Centre-North region arrived at the market gardening site of Nikiema SAWADOGO.
“The Man without limits” (this is how we nicknamed Basil Nikiema SAWADOGO in our video), was busy clearing his cabbage field. On one hectare, he also produces chili, onion, tomato, eggplant and pepper.
It was with a hoe in his hands that we found this man with a disability clearing his cabbage field.
“I am very happy to have received these gifts from the authorities. I am satisfied because this material will allow me to progress in my work. It’s a way of galvanising myself not to give up and to continue working with the same dedication,” said the market gardener.
A model of perseverance for so many people!
Nikiema is now being followed up by the agricultural technical services, and is a member of a network of people with disability supervised by OCADES. “But it was the video on social media that caught our attention as a support service,” said Mr. Yacouba NONGO, regional director in charge of agriculture.
“When I saw the video, my first impression was that it will serve as an example. Since then, I have already received calls for encouragement from outside the country, promises of visits, solar panels, etc,” said Nikiema.
Indeed, Agribusiness TV had previously received two solar kits (solar panels, batteries, strips, etc.) offered by a group of friends, which were sent to him. The donors have also promised to pay for the installation costs.
The story and the journey of Basile Nikiema SAWADOGO touched thousands of people who see him as an example of resilience. It’s the same story for the people around him who see him as an example to follow.
“All those who thought it was just a leisure activity now know that I can take care of myself without having to beg,” said the market gardener.
At the end of the visit, the regional director did not fail to give advice to “this outstanding producer” so that he continues to persevere in what he undertakes, and that one day he will be cited among the successful agricultural entrepreneurs of the country!