Tag: animal health

Discovery: Natural behaviour of animals and their welfare

AgribusinessTV November 28, 2020 2267 No Comments


To ensure the animal’s well-being, it is important to be able to observe its natural behaviour. This behaviour describes whether the animal is healthy or not. Dr. Gisèle PARE-OUEDRAOGO, veterinarian and Director of Veterinary Public Health and Legislation, describes the procedure to follow so as not to hinder th

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Opinion: Animal welfare according to the Bible

AgribusinessTV November 27, 2020 1905 No Comments


According to Pastor Emmanuel KIEMTORE, founder of “Eglise Evangélique Grace Academie”, there are several examples from the Bible, showing that animals have rights. “When God created animals, the Bible said God blessed them,” says Pastor KIEMTORE.

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Opinion : Animal welfare and Islam

AgribusinessTV November 26, 2020 2010 No Comments


Ismael TIENDREBEOGO, Imam, explains some verses from the Qu’ran, linked to the animal welfare. “The Prophet (Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) also taught that good behaviour towards an animal brings one into paradise,” says Imam TIENDREBEOGO.

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Opinion: Animal welfare and Christianity

AgribusinessTV November 26, 2020 2011 No Comments


What does the Catholic Church say about animal welfare? Abbé Marcel NACOULMA , Vicar at Paroisse Saint-Joseph des 4 Routes, shares his opinion on the issue. “Man has the obligation to take care of animals,” says Abbé Marcel.

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Burkina Faso: plan B to avoid losses

AgribusinessTV November 24, 2020 1979 No Comments


Failure forms part of the success of Roger ZONGO, founder of CLARO Elevage. During his entrepreneurial journey, he lost his whole production of chicks after a power cut. After this experience, Roger found an alternative to better prepare himself for his next production.

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Burkina Faso: Village poultry producers and vaccinators

AgribusinessTV November 23, 2020 1218 No Comments


To reduce poultry mortality rate, Hélène and Rakiswiligré KABRÉ were trained as volunteer village poultry vaccinators in Nandiala, Burkina Faso. While being poultry producers themselves, they vaccinate chickens for other producers in their village in their spare time. Thanks to these activities, they are currently

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Animal welfare during transport

AgribusinessTV November 19, 2020 1943 No Comments


Animals are very often transported in conditions that don’t guarantee their welfare. For their welfare, they must be transported under appropriate conditions, according to well-established protocols. Madi SEBGO, livestock technician, and Rodrigue Nemsida NANA, lawyer, share their views on this subject.

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Tips: How to choose your beehive and harvest honey?

AgribusinessTV November 18, 2020 1967 No Comments


To start beekeeping, you need to know the type of beehives to choose from. These vary depending on the beekeeping techniques, and the environment where they will be placed. Through these tips, Madi SEBGO, a beekeeper, explains how to choose a beehive and which techniques to use for harvesting honey.

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Burkina Faso: Paulin, the young trader of pedigree dogs

AgribusinessTV November 17, 2020 2087 No Comments


The marketing of pedigree dogs is not a common activity in Burkina Faso. Paulin COMPAORÉ chose to venture into this business despite the prejudices of his friends. Today, he is the pride of his family. “It’s with the money from the sale of dogs that I paid for my schooling in high school. I paidRead More

Discovery: What is a good quality meat ?

AgribusinessTV November 16, 2020 789 No Comments


Obtaining a good quality meat depends on biochemical processes that occur in the meat after slaughtering the animal. This process, called rigor mortis, is explained by Dr. Dieudonné TIALLA, Director General of the National School of Animal Husbandry and Health (ENESA) in Burkina Faso.

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