Benin: Solar women

March 12, 2019 5262 136 No Comments


Women from the “Egbèlayo” cooperative of mahogany transformers are trained in the photovoltaic solar system.

Due to lack of electricity, the women were facing a lot of difficulties and they could not work at night. In the darkness, they were also faced with dangers related to animals in the bush and also other hazards around them. Through the gender and climate initiative of the IFDD, accompanied by the Brussels Capital Region, the women of the Egbèlayo cooperative were trained on the installation and maintenance of solar systems. Besides their own solar installation, they also install solar panels upon request in the village and earn from the activity.

“Before the electrification of our premises, we produced a maximum of 150 bottles of mahogany juice per day. Today, we can produce 300 to 350 bottles and even more. We are able to work until two o’clock in the morning”, says Colette ALALE, the President of Egbèlayo cooperative.

This video has been produced with the financial support of IFDD and Bruxelles Environnement, in the framework of the Pilot Initiative Gender and Climate.


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