Tag: Rural life

Rural Life in Komsilga

AgribusinessTV April 19, 2024 1357 No Comments


Today’s excursion takes us to the rural commune of Komsilga. Comprising 36 villages, Komsilga is located around 25 kilometres south of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. With its strong agricultural potential, this commune attracts a large number of gardeners, both young and old, who are passionate about farming. In Ko

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Rural Life in Ziniare

AgribusinessTV April 5, 2024 1406 No Comments


The beautiful commune of Ziniaré welcomes us to this episode of Rural Life. Located around 35 km from Ouagadougou, in the province of Oubritenga in Burkina Faso, Ziniaré stands out for its cultural diversity, history and customs. It is one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations. In this issue, we

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Rural Life: Poa, the chicken capital

AgribusinessTV March 1, 2024 1336 No Comments


Your programme, Vie Rurale, is back on Agribusiness TV. In this episode we go to Poa. Poa is located 70 km from Ouagadougou, in the province of Boulikiemdé, in the Centre-West region. It is reputed to be the poultry farming area by excellence in Burkina Faso. In this episode, we find out how poultry farmingRead More

Burkina Faso: For a peaceful cohabitation between agricultural and mining activities

AgribusinessTV April 7, 2023 1689 No Comments


The Mining Company (SOMISA) supported rural communities after the installation of the Sanbrado mine, through theoretical and practical training on improved seed production. In this documentary, the different actors of this training share their experiences. AgribusinessTV #BurkinaFaso #Documentary

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Discovering Saponé: A society rich in history

AgribusinessTV October 14, 2022 1978 No Comments


In this second issue of our “Rural Life” series, we invite you to discover Saponé, a rural commune located in the Centre-South region of Burkina Faso. This rural commune is famous for the “Saponé hat”, which is labelled to protect this emblematic craft object, whose production has been passed

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Bazoulé: Youth between pride and despair

AgribusinessTV May 24, 2022 2116 No Comments


In this first video of our new series called “Rural life”, we went to Bazoulé, a village located in the Central region of Burkina Faso. This village is renowned for its “sacred crocodile” pond. A site that attracts hundreds of tourists every year, but unfortunately faces difficulties related to

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