Tag: poultry production

Burkina Faso: Poultry farming without chemicals

AgribusinessTV January 18, 2023 1907 No Comments


Roland BOUDA learned breeding with his grandmother during holidays. Subsequently, he trained himself and followed online and face-to-face trainings. After the training, Roland went into poultry production. He thus created “Champion Agrobusiness” in Burkina Faso, with university aid granted by the National F

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A passion that pays off

AgribusinessTV May 5, 2016 2349 No Comments


Richard Moné is employed in an NGO based in Ouagadougou. At the same time, he is developing his business in the production of layers and other birds at Loumbila, a locality situated at 20 km from the capital city of Burkina Faso. A passion that has started to pay off for him. With about 1000Read More